Call Center Monitoring Reports
Find out how Call Center Monitoring Reports works for you.
Call Center Monitoring Reports will let you run reports over your PBX queue activity, like how many calls were abandoned, how many answered, by whom, call durations, wait times, call distribution per day, week, month, hour, queue, day of week, agent session times, pause durations, etc. Includes a search facility, a realtime view where you can also pause/unapuse or remove members from queues, integration with recordings so you can download/listen to queue call recordings.
Predefined Reports
The following reports are integrated with Call Center Stats:
- Distribution: by queue, by month, by week, by day, by week day, by hour, by URL, and a detailed report.
- Answered Calls: by queue, by wait time, by agent, by disconnection cause, by duration, transferred calls, and a detailed report
- Answered and Unanswered Service Level Reports
- Unanswered Calls: by queue, by disconnection cause, by URL and a detailed report
- Agent Availability, Sessions and Pause Durations, Call Dispositions, and a Detailed Paused Report and Session Report
- and many more!
HTML5 Charts
Charts are being displayed using HTML5 and Javascript (no need for Adobe Flash player). Mouse over each bar on a chart to see its information in detail.
- Answered/Unanswered Chart
- Abandoned Chart
- Average Wait Chart
- Average Talk Chart
- Total Transferred Chart
- and many more!
Search Form
Are you looking for a specific call? A search form will show a quick result from your query. You can search by CallerId, Agent, Queue, Call Duration, unique id and Date Ranges.
Detail Drill-Down Grids
The results grouped in each grid can be viewed in details just clicking into its linked item. A drill-down grid will appear showing the calls in details with Asterisk Events and other relevant information like caller-id, agent, timing information, etc.
Listen to Recordings
You can record all the calls connected and our tool will convert them into MP3 format to save you disk space and show them on each detailed record. The actions will let you listen with a simple but functional player or download as a file.